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When I planned this article around the editorial desk, the team and
I (well they always nod in agreement anyway) thought it would be
great to do a market profile of the thoughts and concerns of the best
brokers in the region. A down-to-earth expose of what challenges the
industry faced. However, this was immediately held up by the biggest
challenge – getting brokers to respond. So while we may not have the
variety of market diversity originally intended, we certainly have got
opinions from the most active and perceptive dealers in the region.

Broker View

of 2015

Business Outlook:
What are your basic business assumptions for 2015?
Overview: 2014 seemed to be a solid year for all, with most optimistic
that 2015 will be the same and maybe a little better.
Chris S: My thoughts are quite contradictory, as I believe the market
will stay fairly stagnant and similar to what we have seen in the
later part of this year, but at the same time I see the market share
of day boats and super yachts increasing as clients choose to either
downsize from 40ft-60ft to 40Ft and below, and in contrast I see
current clients of 70Ft-90Ft yachts moving to over 100ft+ as they
strive for a more complete yachting experience.
Brett: Based on the sales growth of 2014 and a successful last quarter
we feel that 2015 should continue on the same gradual incline. More
stability in the world markets has assisted with this increase and
even though certain markets like Europe and Russia are not seeing

the growth expected, many people are relocating to the region to
avoid these issues and hence has a positive effect on our business.
Chris M: Approaching a decade of my company in Dubai, the one
thing I have learned is not to make assumptions. Yes, times are
certainly pulling up a bit, but it is still not an easy environment to
sell into. Of course, I have more confidence in the stability of the
market compared to a few years ago, which is why I took on the new
brand of Rinker. Though positive, I remain cautious.
Miguel: 2014 has been a great year for Duboats, as we have achieved
an amazing number of new units sold, both monohull sailing
boats, power boats and catamarans. So even being conservative,
I would say that if we have a year like 2014, we are in the right
direction. 2014 also saw increased significance in our after sales and
maintenance services, proving that that having a complete team of
product lifecycle experts pays off.


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