
(avery) #1

out for a little more open
water. MarineMax’s marina
connects to a canal, which
then runs through the city of
Venice, out the Venice Inlet
and into the Gulf of Mexico.
We take turns driving
down the canal, bumping
up the throttle whenever
we leave a no-wake zone.
When it’s my turn to check
out the boat’s speed, I have
a tough time keeping the
boat going in a straight line
until I get the feel of how
not to overcorrect with
the wheel.
Then, at a few different
points along the canal,
Pearsall pop-quizzes us on

how to dock the boat. After
one woman successfully
docks the boat in front
of a crowd at a popular
waterfront eatery, another
guy docking his own boat
yells out, “You’re hired!”
Each time a woman takes
her turn, we all clap and
cheer her on. Lou Steele, a
second-grade schoolteacher
from Port Charlotte, Florida,
tells me I’m a natural, but I
suspect that’s only because
my fine motor skills might
be a little better than most
of her students.
The women gathered
in the class are here for
several different reasons.

One woman
owns a boat with
her husband,
and they hope
to make an
Waterway trek
from Tarpon
Springs, Florida,
to Norfolk,
Another woman,
in her retirement
years with her
hair carefully
done and
makeup immaculate, was
there at the behest of her
fiancé. He lives in Maine,
she in Anchorage, Alaska,

and they meet in the winter
in Florida.
Steele, the Port Charlotte
teacher, recently purchased
a pontoon boat with her
husband to use for their
new pastime, scuba diving.
The first time they used the
pontoon for a scuba trip,
the pair forgot one crucial
detail before
they descended
on their dive:
to mark exactly
where their
boat was.
When Steele
resurfaced, she
and her husband
were so far from
the pontoon,
they could barely
see it.
“I was the
first back to the
boat, and I could
barely get back
on, my legs were
so tired,” Steele
says. “I had no
idea what I was
doing. I didn’t
know how to
turn on the boat, and I
didn’t know how to drive it.”
Steele and her husband
escaped their scuba

For information
about taking
the Women on
Water class, go to


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