Lonely Planet India - August 2016

(lily) #1


Ah Paris in the spring. Sunshine

and bateaux mouches twinkling nights

and cafés a lot of wine and a walk

by the Seine – that can only lead

to one thing.

Nappy-changing duty.

And then you inveterate traveller

spend your next few years in

infant-friendly surroundings in violent

primary colours and then

in Disneyland. You don’t in fact have

much good to say about France

any more. But why not give it another

try? You didn’t see much beyond Paris

the last time and there are great

compromises here between Paris

and EuroDisney and vineyards that

are utterly beautiful but offer nothing

for kids. And they aren’t far from Paris

either: use the capital as a base

or better yet as an entry point and

explore great options an hour or so

away by plane train or automobile.

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