Lonely Planet India - August 2016

(lily) #1

The Somme Museum at
Albert largely underground
gives you a good idea of the
horrors of trench warfare
during World War I much of
which was fought in the area
Facing page:

  1. The Château Chantilly
    is lovely a warm building
    with beautiful grounds
    and a superb art collection...

  2. ... including this stained-
    glass window that depicts
    the Greek legend of Psyche
    using the old lead-work
    as part of the art
    3 & 4. Children will love
    the crème Chantilly-making
    and the pony shows
    at Château Chantilly

  3. Amiens suffered hugely
    through two world wars
    but is now a sweet relaxed
    place to live in

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