Lonely Planet India - August 2016

(lily) #1
A serene-looking
Buddha head
has made itself
at home amid
the roots of a fig tree
at Wat Mahathat

Ayutthaya Thailand

You’re headed into Ayutthaya the ancient
Siamese capital a short drive from
Bangkok. You’re expecting to find a walled
enclosure filled with structures that have
withstood the ravages of war and time.
Instead as you drive in you notice
crumbling temples with modernity
sprawling around them. Step in and
you realise that Ayutthaya is not divided
into old and new towns – the modern
city is quite happy to coexist right
in the crevices of the antiquated one.
Founded by King Ramathibodi I in 1350
AD Ayutthaya soon became a prosperous
land drawing merchants from across
the world. And it remained that way

until it was invaded by a Burmese army
in 1767 which wrenched away not just
its glory but also its riches.
To get a better idea of the destruction
wracked on the city visit Wat Mahathat
(Chee Kun Rd; 8am – 5pm; ` 95). Founded in
1374 it was the kingdom’s most important
temple. Walking in you’ll notice visitors
crowding around a strange relic – the
twisted roots of an ancient fig tree cradling
a stone Buddha head. As you venture
further into the complex wondering where
the rest of the statue might have gone
you’ll meet with a sombre sight – dozens
of Buddha statues all seated peacefully
but all missing their heads which were
mercilessly hacked off by the Burmese

invaders. Still a walk around here
is a calming experience as visitors pay
attention only to the iconic Buddha head.
There isn’t much of a temple left to see
at Wat Lokkayasutharam (Khlong Thaw
Rd; 8am – 6pm; free) but the 42m-long
reclining Buddha is yet another highlight
within the Ayutthaya Historical Park
which is a pleasure to explore by bicycle
when the weather permits.
Set off on a ruin excursion by boat
to Wat Chai Wattanaram (buy tickets
at Chan Kasem National Museum Pier
at U Thong Rd; operates once daily at 4pm;
` 385/ person). En route make a quick stop
at Wat Phanan Choeng which houses
Ayutthaya’s tallest Buddha idol. Continue




42 July 2016
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