Lonely Planet India - August 2016

(lily) #1


HERE are places in the world that
demand leisurely discovery days
of easy wandering poking into
nooks and corners. These are dream
destinations worthy of much plotting
and planning and getting into locals’
blogs and minds to ferret out their secrets.
But there are also other places in the world
that think nothing of showing their charms
at first request. For visitors short on time these
are the stuff of salvation revealing at least some
of their secrets to sincere seekers.
Flanders in Belgium is a destination of the first
sort – bursting with history and architecture
laying out gourmet fare on a platter and presenting
a menu of varied sights and sounds that merits
mindful exploration.
But then Flanders is also great for a quickie.
The Dutch-speaking region to the country’s South
sees no virtue in playing hard to get. Sure if you linger
the rewards are sweeter but not for Flanders the
coyness of playing hard to get. So even if you have
just four or five days at hand Bruges will show
its medieval charms Ghent will salute you
with a stein Antwerp will throw its hand
and Brussels... Brussels will
be Brussels. Unstintingly.
Because Flanders knows
you will return for a more
leisurely exploration.

July 2016 75
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