Lonely Planet India - August 2016

(lily) #1





  1. Bruges is a city on the water – effortlessly
    romantic and wonderfully non-smelly
    2. A street entertainer in Burg Square –
    this is the place to begin your explorations
    of the sights and sounds of Bruges
    3. All is calm and contemplation at the
    UNESCO World Heritage-listed Begijnhof;
    no man may remain within when night falls

  2. Burg Square is a 360º whirlwind
    of architectural styles – recognise any
    buildings from Aamir Khan’s PK?

  3. A horse-carriage ride
    is a wonderfully old-fashioned way
    to explore an olde-worlde city
    Facing page: Half moon not half man!
    De Halve Maan brewery makes a welcoming
    lunch venue after a morning of tramping
    around Bruges

July 2016 77
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