boat owner

(Marcin) #1

Wind across tide –

leaving the mooring

This is often undemanding, although elements can always conspire
to make any manoeuvre more complicated than it should be.


...then drop the mooring
and sail away. You can
round up and hoist the mainsail
at your leisure.

Wind across tide –

picking up the mooring:

A simpler approach

Having experienced a wind-across-tide situation where the brisk wind
and weak tide ruled out the use of orthodox techniques, we sought out
another mooring where the tide was stronger and the wind lighter. This
would allow us to demonstrate a more conventional jib-only approach.
In this sequence the wind is coming from the left of the photos and
the tide from behind the camera.

With the mainsail lowered,
Enigma approaches from
down-tide with the wind on
the beam. The jib is already
partially eased to reduce speed.


A gust comes along, so Ian
lets the jib flap and bears
away to get further downwind and
reduce speed on the approach.


Enigma is
making gentle
headway directly
into the tide. The jib
is producing drive
even though it’s
flapping, but can
always be sheeted
in to give another
nudge if there’s a
lull in the wind.


This is the
pick-up yet. With
a light breeze and
the tide acting as
a brake, that’s as
it should be.

Seamanship – mooring under sail


First hoist (or
unroll) the jib...
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