
(Marcin) #1
AfiThft-PftffThflThff BffiftTh J/Afi  129

While the basic configuration of the yacht’s design and structure has
been evolving externally, the interior of the 131 has seen a revolution
with much of it the result of the 15% uplift in gross tonnage.
The Owner of Zozo has clearly taken advantage of the customisation
options and installed full height floor-to-ceiling windows in the main
saloon and cut back on the height of the bulwarks on deck adding glass
where Class have allowed him to do so. The result is a light and airy feel
to a room that instantly feels more spacious than it is in reality.
Clearly a food lover, the Owner has opted for a sumptuous inside
dining area for eight and has recognised what few owners do – to get
good food to the table, the galley has to be of the finest design.
Here an abundance of fridges, freezers and ancillary equipment
including heat lamps over serving areas and double the normal number
of dishwashers all suggest he is very serious about what and how he eats.
This is also an Owner who plans to spend time on board the yacht
rather than fly in and out for short visits. The master stateroom has extra
space for clothes storage and extra-large split side windows that flood
this living space with natural light.
A serial yacht Owner (his last was a Sunseeker 115), he has
recognised the need for on-board safety so the shower floor and
adjacent area are etched to avoid slipping when the yacht is underway
and he has added higher door lips to the bathroom entrance – showing
a true understanding of life at sea.
The overall décor of the yacht is pleasingly simple and very yacht-like
utilising American black walnut as the featured wood to contrast white
deck heads and sumptuous wool and silk carpets in the same colour.
Much of the deck is planked and it is only in the guest cabins where
carpet is considered the norm. Designed for private three generation
family use, the whole yacht and in particular the upper deck saloon there
is a feel of the informal. We particularly liked this space with its L-shaped
sofa and two armchairs that are finished in grey with cream trim.

The one-off designed computer desk with a built-in Apple iMac at
the forward end of the space was, we thought, just close enough to the
small and comfortable looking drinks bar at the end of the saloon and
both just begged to be sat at for hours.
On deck, the newly formed and lengthened brows offer better use
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