
(Marcin) #1

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LIGHT WINDS DID NOT HINDER the enthusiasm of the day as
everyone enjoyed a hull-flying experience in June, as 15 sailors from
Sailability enjoyed an afternoon on one of Aston Harald’s new high
performance catamarans, the M32.
Sailability Hong Kong is a charitable organisation supporting the
disabled community’s ambitions to sail and to ultimately develop
Paralympic sailors and Asian Para Games medallists.
The weather conditions looked challenging as the morning’s forecast
predicted only 1 to 5 knots and thunderstorms, but the will and
enthusiasm naturally attracted great sea breeze conditions, sending the
sailors around Shelter Island at speeds in excess of 15 knots (28 km/h).
“All of the Sailability Hong Kong sailors were very excited to be
invited out on the M32,” says Hong Kong Sailability Coach Ed Tang.



“We have never experienced anything like it before. The sailors regularly
train and compete using International 2.4mRs, which are single-handed
monohulls. Sailing on an M32 with its huge trampoline and flying hulls
was a completely different experience – it was an exhilarating day.”
It was evident through the cheering and beaming smiles that the day
had provided an unforgettable experience for this group of extremely
inspiring people.
“A day that the sailors will never forget,” says Virgile Bertrand, Hong
Kong Sailability volunteer and president of the Hong Kong 2.4 Metre
Class Association.
America’s Cup and around-the-world sailor Nick Moloney was in
attendance, having recently taken up residence in Hong Kong with aims
of promoting sailing in the city, as well as the region.
“I am a previous coach and active fundraiser for the Sailability fleet,
and trained the Australian Paralympic sailing team for the Sydney 2000
Olympic Games,” says Moloney. “Today was about recognising a great
aspect of our sport, a strong fleet of sailors and simply fantastic people
who do not even realise how inspiring they are to others. It was a great
day on the water!”
The M32s are made of carbon fibre and weigh in at just 500kg, so
they only require a small amount of breeze to propel them forward. On
a light day in five knots of wind, the boats can fly a hull and move at
more than double the wind speed. Their top speeds are in excess of 25
knots (46 km/h).
The M32s are in Hong Kong as part of Aston Harald’s ambitions to
create teams around the world to participate in the M32 Series and the
World Match Racing Tour with its million-dollar prize money.

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