June 21-23, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Day 1 // Tuesday, June 21
9:10am-12:40pm – Keynote
John Carlton, Professor of marine
engineering, City University London, UK
9:10am – Open-innovation field labs in
smart maritime maintenance
Paul van Kempen, operational director, World
Class Maintenance, Netherlands
The transition from R&D to successful
innovation in practice is an extremely
challenging journey. Open-innovation field labs
are a promising solution for those undertaking
the journey. In the Netherlands, smart
maintenance field labs are being set up in a
number of industries, including maritime, in
which maintenance is of crucial importance for
future success. In a smart maintenance field lab,
a small number of asset owners collaborate with
a large number of innovative SMEs and some
knowledgeable knowledge institutes. Jointly
they conduct a number of closely related
projects, for instance on condition-based
maintenance. This presentation discusses
design and operation of a number of these Dutch
field labs, focusing on the ones in the maritime
9:35am – Robotic technologies for
underwater repair and maintenance
Kenji Shimada, Theodore Ahrens Professor in
Engineering, Department of mechanical
engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Prof. Kenji Shimada established the
Computational Engineering and Robotics
Laboratory (CERLAB) at Carnegie Mellon
University in 1996. It is funded partly by NASA
and Sandia National Laboratories among others.
However in a recent departure of enormous
interest to the marine sector, CERLAB has
embarked on a phase of research, in partnership
with Tsuneishi Shipbuilding Company, to
develop robotic technologies to revolutionize
the shipping industry. One of the projects to be
funded is the development of an autonomous
hull-cleaning robot. In this keynote presentation
Prof. Shimada will look forward to the next 15 to
20 years, by which time he believes that most
underwater repair and maintenance will be
performed by semi- or fully automated robots.
10:00am – From aerospace to marine
health management: trusted to deliver
Marco Cristoforo Camporeale, general
manager, health management, Rolls-Royce
Marine, Norway
Rolls-Royce is building on its world-class
automation systems, data services from
aerospace, and product knowledge of the widest
product portfolio in marine to deliver new
offerings for equipment health management.
Condition monitoring based on the technology
mastered in aerospace will enable informed
decisions about vessel operation and
maintenance, lead to improved availability,
avoid unexpected downtime and extend service
intervals. Rolls-Royce will support its Marine
customers by transferring the risk through
LTSAs (power by the hour) underpinned by
condition-based maintenance similar to that
available to aerospace customers. Rolls-Royce
is piloting this technology with the Wire the
Fleet program.
10:30-11:00am – Break
11:00am – The ABS perspective on
performance-based maintenance: a step
beyond CBM
Robert Conachey, senior principal engineer,
American Bureau of Shipping, USA
Performance-based maintenance monitors
system performance patterns, seeking potential
failure trends in advance so that action may be
taken to prevent catastrophic failure. This
maintenance strategy leverages performance
data collection and the maintenance
management strategy by analyzing both data
streams simultaneously. The result is system
performance improvement and optimized
maintenance progressing towards the goal
of operational excellence. ABS as the
Classification Society continuously revises its
existing maintenance programs existing in its
rules and guides to stay current with improved
technologies and strategies. ABS will share its
experience with participants.
Additional keynote speakers to be announced
Keynote session Q&A
Paul van Kempen, operational director, World
Class Maintenance, Netherlands
Kenji Shimada, Theodore Ahrens Professor in
Engineering, Department of mechanical
engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Robert Conachey, senior principal engineer,
American Bureau of Shipping, USA
Marco Cristoforo Camporeale, general
manager, health management, Rolls-Royce
Marine, Norway
12:40-2:00pm – Lunch
Featuring more than 40 of the world’s
leading experts in marine maintenance
presenting brand-new technologies and
breakthrough techniques!
This year’s conference features the most advanced technology
that will help reduce downtime and machinery failure, increase
safety and help drive down the cost of maintenance and global ship
operations. Completely new topics and brand-new
papers not heard anywhere else will be
discussed by some of the most influential
and innovative industry experts.