Marine Maintenance Technology International - April 2016

(Darren Dugan) #1

Where UTAF works
HAINCA UTAF can be used on steel
(professional marine) and on fiberglass
and other artificial polymer materials
(recreational marine). Ultrasonic solutions
prevent marine growth and barnacles
by stopping development of biofilms, the
starters of marine fouling. The technology
works, first by removal or prevention
of biofilm – microorganism attachment
becomes impossible, slows bacterial growth,
and reduces rust and scale. Second, it kills
algae by breaking their vacuoles and kills
larvae before they are 10 days old and any
single-cell organisms.
In marine and offshore applications,
HAINCA UTAF has several significant
advantages over the use of antifouling
coatings combined with ICAF. The UTAF
is almost maintenance-free; requires a
reasonably priced initial investment to
purchase; gradually removes marine growth
(not barnacles) from fouled surfaces;
prevents marine growth and barnacles on
clean surfaces; and is easy to install without
the need for expensive and disruptive dry-
docking or lay-up operations.
Installation process
Installing the UTAF transducer requires a
tight and closely glued bond to the uncoated
metal surface so that it is properly protected.
For example, a transducer can be glued to
the cover of a box heat exchanger. Multipart
adhesives can be used. It is important to
have a clean, uncoated, grease-free and
even surface, ensuring no air gaps exist
between the material and the transducer;
this ensures undisrupted travel of the
ultrasonic waves into the material.
The HAINCA UTAF solution can
completely protect the whole underwater
structure from marine growth and
barnacles. This includes the entire shell
plating of the vessel, as well as special
structures such as thruster tunnels,
rudders, and propellers and shafts. All
these installations can be carried out
from the inside of the vessel. If the UTAF
equipment is installed as hull protection
on a freshly cleaned and coated hull (no
AF paint required), it prevents any growth
by averting the development of biofilm as a
base of all growth. The first few vessels are
equipped with, or are in the process of being
equipped with HAINCA UTAF solutions for
the protection of the complete underwater
structure of the ship or asset.
HAINCA UTAF solutions are powerful
and efficient antifouling devices requiring
no changing of parts like other cathodic
systems. Antifouling coatings are not
required and the system can be installed
on equipment and vessels while they are
in the water, thus eliminating the need for
expensive dry-docking. \
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he complete range of applications
for the HAINCA UTAF technology
is vast and includes industries as
diverse as agriculture, steel making
and gold mining.
In these applications, the ultrasonic
technology is used to prevent the
bacterial development in drinking water
lines, reducing the use of antibiotics

  • sometimes eliminating their use
    Pipelines, filters and their casings,
    coolers and all kinds of tanks benefit
    from the UTAF technology where it
    prevents limescale build-up and the
    resulting clogging and flow reduction.
    Similarly, cooling surfaces and filtration
    systems are protected from clogging, as
    has been shown in marine use.

LEFT: Box coolers
with and without
Harsonic system
RIGHT: A box cooler
and a sea chest after
nine months trading
off the west coast of

RIGHT: Sea water
filter casing and a
basket from a
Panamax container
ship after two
months trading
between the UK and
Europe and the west
and north coasts of
South America

distribution and
monitoring cabinet
RIGHT: Fouling on tug
before installation of
a HAINCA ultrasonic
system and (FAR
RIGHT) after a test
period with UTAF


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