Cruising World - February 2016

(Sean Pound) #1




irst, the good news: I’m constantly
amazed by how little corruption
there is in the far corners of the
world. While I’m a relatively poor man by
American standards, my vessel represents
great wealth to the people of Madagascar,
Borneo and the Maldives. For the most
part, however, these people do not take
Of course, there are exceptions. Once
I was being dragged down a corridor in
Venezuela by three beefy federales while
my wife, Carolyn, ran after us, screaming,
“Pay the bribe, Fatty! It’s only 27 cents
Another time, in Castries, St. Lucia,
the customs guy wanted me to buy a fl ag
his wife had made. I politely declined, say-

ing that I too had a wife who sewed, and
pointed at the fl uttering courtesy fl ag on
my starboard spreader.
“Oh, dear,” he replied with a frown.
“I’ve had reports of a smuggling boat that
looks similar to yours. Bring her to the
dock so my boys can take a look.” Before
the eight dock ruffians he’d assigned to
rip apart my boat could do much damage,
I shouted lamely, “OK, I’ll buy the fl ag!”
Instantly, all destruction ceased. “I

thought you’d be reason-
able,” said the customs guy
with a smile.
In the Galapágos, it was
a different story. There the
customs agent’s son-in-law
was the Official De- Ratter
of the Eastern Pacifi c Fleet.
“Here’s how it works,” ex-
plained the happy-go-lucky
officer. “You pay me $25 for
my son-in-law to go out to
your boat with a large can-
ister of highly toxic poison
strapped on his back, then
you pay him an additional
$25 to not use that poison to
make your home uninhabit-
able. Does that sound reasonable?”
Our most endearing clearing-in expe-
rience took place in the lovely Maldives,
when seven men in uniform trooped
aboard. Each took out his cellphone,
dialed either his mother’s, wife’s or girl-

You never know what you’ll encounter when clearing in at a remote landfall,
but it’s always interesting


Each landfall has its unique cast of
characters — from the iguanas in the
Galápagos to the camels in Egypt —
and that includes the customs and
immigration agents who are the gate-
keepers at every new stop.


On Watch

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