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In this book I’ll show you the secrets to mastering this skill along with entering
a slip under sail.
On the powerboat side, we’ll solve problems like how to ease a twin-engine
powerboat alongside a pier or into a slip aft er losing one engine. Th ough the thought
of a one-engine landing might curl your toes a bit, there are ways to do this suc-
cessfully using the secrets of preparation, coordination, and communication.
Th en we’ll look at emergency skills such as getting things under control aft er
a collision or a fi re and how to respond to fl ooding or a crewmember overboard.
Th roughout the book you’ll fi nd proven methods to step through any emergency
quickly and logically. Much has been written about various ways to return to a
person who has fallen overboard, but the best approach of all is to keep your crew
on the boat, safe and sound. Th us, we look at recovery methods, but we also discuss
Each chapter ends with a short list of questions designed to test your ability
to make decisions on your feet. Th ere are no absolute right or wrong answers to
most questions, but I give you feedback on how I might handle each situation.
Th is book doesn’t attempt to be everything to everyone. More knowledge-
able mariners than I have written voluminous books covering every aspect of
navigation and seamanship. Nevertheless, this carefully selected collection of
tips and techniques will boost you to the next level of nautical knowledge and
confi dence, making you a better skipper in all respects.
So here’s wishing only the best of nautical experiences to you. Have a great
read, enjoy your boating, and stay safe and sound out there.

Th e primary and essential ingredient of sea sense is a thorough
awareness of safety afl oat. Every skipper has the responsibility
of seamanlike management of his vessel under adverse as well
as favorable conditions.
—Richard Henderson, Sea Sense

x introduction

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