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What mystery lies behind chart colors, water and seabed notations, or those
dangerous-looking wreck and reef symbols sprinkled in our path? When searching
for a buoy or marker at night or in the fog, what fi ve things do you want to know
before steering the direction your calculations point to? How do you gather all
the latest information you need before leaving on that long-awaited cruise?

In Th is Chapter, You’ll Learn How To:
D Solve the mystery behind chart colors, shapes, and symbols
D Instantly identify any buoy, beacon, or lighthouse
D Avoid dangerous shoals, reefs, and wrecks
D Make certain you are purchasing the newest editions of the charts you need
D Obtain the best cruising guides published in the United States for free!

A Navigator’s Most Trusted Companion

Navigation begins with the ability to look at a two-dimensional nautical chart
and imagine how the seascape would look in three dimensions. This skill gives
you the confidence to plot a safe course, plan an enjoyable cruise, find a safe
anchorage, take shelter in a storm or an emergency, and avoid dangers.
You’ll find symbols and abbreviations for any chart in the world in a little
booklet called Chart No. 1. It’s a bit smaller than a medium-sized magazine, so
adding it to your list of most valuable books aboard should be a cinch. Chart
No. 1 is available by electronic download from the National Ocean Service at Follow these three easy steps:

  1. Click on “View NOAA Charts” on the right side.

  2. Find the “Nautical Charting Publications” section on the left side blue

  3. Click on “U.S. Chart No. 1.”
    The U.S. government no longer provides printed versions, but these are
    available commercially through marinas or nautical bookstores. (Note from
    the publisher: Nigel Calder’s How to Read a Nautical Chart contains the full
    contents of Chart No. 1.)

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