Portland Executive Director
Wyatt to Retire
Port of Portland Executive Director
Bill Wyatt will retire on June 30, 2017.
Wyatt was selected to lead the Port in
2001 and he began work just weeks af-
ter the September 11 attacks. In addi-
tion to the many changes at the airport
those events generated, Wyatt’s Port
career has included some major mile-
stones in the organization’s history.
Great Lakes Announces
Management, Board
Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corpo-
ration (GLDD) announced that the
Board of Directors accelerated the date
of retirement of CEO, Jonathan W.
Berger, to January 3, 2017. The Board
has also accepted his resignation from
the Board of Directors. Berger’s retire-
ment follows the December 27, 2016
announcement of the appointment of
Lasse Petterson as CEO. Robert B.
Uhler, P.E., Chairman, commented,
“During the more than six years that
Jon led Great Lakes, the Company
successfully executed a large number
of complicated domestic and interna-
tional dredging contracts. ”
OSVDPA Announces 2017
TAC Representatives
The Offshore Service Vessel Dynamic
Positioning Authority (OSVDPA) an-
nounced the election of Individual
and Corporate Membership Repre-
sentatives to its Technical Advisory
Council (TAC). Captain Robert
Moyer (Individual) and London Off-
shore Consultants (LOC) (Corpo-
rate), represented by Stuart Duffi eld,
were elected to represent their respec-
tive Membership communities on
the TAC for the 2017 calendar year.
Moyer has been a dynamic position-
ing operator (DPO) since 2004 and
currently holds an OSVDPA Class A
DPO Certifi cate, Nautical Institute
Unlimited DPO Certifi cate, and is
also an OSVDPA Qualifi ed on Board
Assessor (QOBA). Duffi eld has been
operating out of LOC’s Houston of-
fi ce since 2009 and serving in the ca-
pacity of Vice President, Marine As-
surance since 2013. He has extensive
experience working with the interna-
tional DP industry. Executive Direc-
tor of the OSVDPA, Aaron Smith,
said, “The OSVDPA couldn’t be hap-
pier to have Capt. Moyer and LOC
join the TAC for the upcoming year.
We are honored to have their experi-
ence and expertise on the TAC, and
we’re looking forward to working
with them throughout the year.”
Christina Paul Appointed to
Christina Paul, a partner in the Mi-
ami offi ce of the global fi rm K&L
Gates LLP, was recently appointed to
the American Boating & Yacht Coun-
cil (ABYC) Board of Directors. She
will serve a three-year term. Paul rep-
resents manufacturers and retailers in
the recreational marine industry and
has served as K&L Gates’ representa-
tive to the ABYC since 2012.
IADC Names Verhoeven BoD
The International Association of
Dredging Companies (IADC) an-
nounced the appointment of Frank
Verhoeven as the new President of the
IADC Board of Directors. Verhoeven
was part of the Royal Boskalis West-
minster group of companies for 40
years. After graduating with a degree
in civil engineering from the Techni-
cal University of Delft (TU Delft) in
1976, he joined Royal Boskalis as a re-
search specialist. Mr. Verhoeven is cur-
rently a member of various supervisory
boards including that of Deltares, an
independent institute for applied re-
search in the fi eld of water and soil.
Marine Exhaust Systems
Names CFO
Marine Exhaust Systems of Alabama
has appointed Karen C. Simmons,
CPA, PFS as Chief Financial Offi cer
effective January 1st, 2017.
Miller, Wallace Named to
Key YANMAR Positions
YANMAR America announced that
Tim Miller has been named the Se-
nior Manager for the company’s new
Training and Customer Experience
Center. Separately, Terry Wallace has
been promoted from his current role
as Regional Sales Manager for the In-
dustrial Engine Division to Sales Man-
ager for the Commercial Marine Divi-
sion. Miller has more than 24 years of
experience in learning development,
training and equipment in the agri-
Wyatt Berger Uhler Duffi eld Moyer Paul Verhoeven