
(coco) #1
january/february 2017





In warm temperatures, epoxy can cure very
quickly. To increase working time, pair WEST
SYSTEM 105 Epoxy Resin with 206 Slow
Hardener or 209 Extra Slow Hardener. Keep
in mind that the larger the volume of mixed
epoxy, the faster it will cure. Mix epoxy resin and
hardener in smaller amounts, then spread it into
a roller pan to dissipate heat. You can further
increase epoxy’s working time by building a
simple, watertight foam box to hold your epoxy
roller pan. Add cool water to the box, then place
your roller pan on top of it. The water acts as a
heat sink, increasing the epoxy’s working time.

Extending Epoxy’s

Working Time


’d heard a lot of things
about Andros, the
Bahamas’ largest island, that
had caused me to steer clear

of it. I pictured a sort of Wild
West with drug dealers flying
in and out in small planes,
drunks flying out of saloon

doors, and pickpockets
lurking around every corner.
Even worse, the Morgan’s
Bluff anchorage was supposed
to have poor holding and
full exposure to the north,
while the inner harbor was
noted to be too crowded for
cruising boats. On top of that,
the buoys leading into the
anchorage had been blown
away by a hurricane.
Thus I was a bit apprehen-
sive when, on a recent cruise
on my friends’ sailboat, we had
to seek refuge in Andros due
to building southeast winds
that would prevent us from
making Nassau in daylight.
Luckily, the missing buoys
were not a problem, as the
Garmin gave accurate data
for entering the anchorage.
The anchor held on our sec-
ond attempt, and we breathed
a sigh of relief. The wind being
from the southeast, the pro-
tection was perfect.
According to ActiveCaptain,

one could go ashore by dinghy
and clear in at the restaurant
located in the inner harbor.
Things must have changed,
however, because we were told
that all newly arrived visitors
had to bring their boat into the
inner harbor. It turned out to
be a fine little haven. We rafted
up to a buddy boat that was
rafted to a local fishing vessel.
The dockmaster was pleasant
to work with, and the fee was
only $5.70 per night per boat.
There was even a beautiful
sandy beach a few feet away.
But what about the law-
lessness? The only thing
resembling the Wild West were
the slightly inebriated dom-
ino players in the port’s only
saloon. They communicated by
yelling as they slammed down
the tiles with such vehemence
that it was impossible to carry
on a conversation within a
20-foot radius. Outside of that,
it was tranquil as could be.
You need a vehicle to see



The inner harbor at Morgan’s Bluff, on the northeast corner
of Andros, Bahamas, is small but well protected.


CRW0217_underway.indd 28 11/22/16 1:40 PM

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