
(coco) #1
january/february 2017


After a long
day of playing
the shifting
breezes, Gannet
the entrance to
Harbor (top). The
journey began
a day earlier in
Opua (above).

to myself — Paradise Bay, specifi cally, on the west
side of Urupukapuka Island, in New Zealand’s Bay
of Islands.
In 2014, I crossed the Pacifi c Ocean on Gannet, my
Moore 24, sailing 7,000 miles. We had some 1,000-
mile weeks and several 150-plus-mile days. Now I was
trying merely to sail 25 miles from our mooring off
Opua to Whangamumu Harbor, and there were times
I didn’t think we’d make it.
Earlier that day, on a sunny, pleasant but windless
morning, I had Gannet ready to sail, except for raising

the mainsail and dropping the
mooring, at 1000. I fi nally did
drop the mooring at noon.
The tide was coming in, keep-
ing our bow to the north, and
an almost imperceptible wind
was from the south, so I raised
the main with the wind behind
us, went forward and released
the mooring, and we headed
north, slowly, on a dead run.
After a half-hour, I was able
to raise the jib, and a few min-
utes later, the wind swung
from south to north, heading
us and increasing slightly.
I tacked and tacked Gannet,
at one point almost running

over another gannet pre-
occupied with preening
his feathers. It took us an
hour and 45 minutes to be
off Russell — a straight-line
distance of less than 4 nau-
tical miles. Then the wind
increased again for a while,
and we sometimes saw boat
speeds of 5 knots.
As I sailed past Roberton Island, I considered call-
ing it a day and going in, but glided on and got the
anchor down at Paradise at 1600. Four hours to make
10 miles. On the next day, I would dare to try for 16.
I watched the sunset over the islands to the west,
eating a freeze-dried Back Country Cuisine roast
chicken dinner with mashed potatoes on deck, a
plastic tumbler of red wine at hand and Pablo Casals
playing Bach’s Cello Suite No. 6 in stereo on the two
Megabooms, by far the best-sounding waterproof
Bluetooth speakers I’ve found.
I was awake the following morning at fi rst light, ONE SHOT/PNZ/TUAN NGUYEN (OPPOSITE TOP); WEBB CHILES

CRW0217_FEA3_Whanga (outlines).indd 66 11/21/16 12:35 PM

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