
(WallPaper) #1

june/july 2016



y wife, Barbara, and
I had been cruis-
ing the Abacos for
three months on Chamba,
our 1979 Gulfstar 37, and we
weren’t ready to leave. There
was still much more to see in
the rest of the Bahamas, but as
the temperatures climbed, we
were reminded that it was now
mid-June, and we were into
hurricane season. The arrival of
summer brought with it mas-
sive tropical thunderstorms,
dramatic sunsets, impressive
lightning displays and unpre-
dictable high winds. Since we’d
ruled out sailing home to Pad-
anaram, Massachusetts, we
needed a storm plan.
Our options included either
continuing to cruise, with the
aim of getting to a hurricane
hole in the event of a tropical
storm, or leaving the boat in
the water or on the hard while
we went home. Continuing to
cruise seemed risky — what if
the hole was already full when
we arrived? We didn’t want to
ride out a hurricane on board
the boat, so the hurricane
hole had to be near shoreside
facilities. That reduced our

realistic cruising options.
We could leave the boat in
the water, anchored or moored
in one of the Abacos’ hurri-
cane holes, but that seemed
like a bad idea with too many
variables: Who would make
that last trip to the boat to
snug up the lines? Who would
move the boat if necessary?
After sorting through these
considerations, we decided to
put Chamba on the hard for the
rest of the hurricane season.
Our boat insurance wasn’t an
issue. The premium and cover-
age remained the same whether
the boat was in the water or
hauled out. We had already
taken the big hit when we left
to go cruising, with our premi-
ums nearly doubling to include
Florida and the Bahamas.
With our decision made,
we now needed to find a yard.
Quickly. Barbara and I had
visited both Marsh Harbour
Boatyards ( and
Abaco Yacht Services (go- in
our travels. Both are modern,
professional yards. At AYS, I
had noted that they used tie-
downs for their boats — heavy
nylon straps that attached to
what looked like eye bolts in
the ground. This feature was
the decider for us.
Hurricane-force winds can
shake boats resting on jack
stands. Sometimes the jack
stands work their way out from
under the boat, at which point
the boat can fall over. If it’s a
crowded marina, the fallen boat
can hit its neighbor, and down
they go, like a row of dominoes.
The tie-down straps reduce the
movement and greatly help to
hold the boat upright.
The tie-downs were screwed
into the ground, and the yard
itself was paved with asphalt.
We thought this was a good
idea, as heavy rainfall would
tend to run off rather than
soak in and soften the ground,
thus giving the tie-downs

greater holding power.
AYS had other features go-
ing for it as well: We were just a
short ferry ride to the airport,
and we could live aboard on the
hard as we prepared the boat.
Within 15 minutes of our ar-
rival at AYS, dockhands helped
to maneuver Chamba into the
30-ton Travelift and slowly
raised her out of the water.
After the jack stands were
placed, it was time for the four
tie-downs, which attached to
the fore and aft cleats. A yard
worker took the other end,
hooked it onto the padeye on
the ground, and ratcheted the
straps taut, going diagonally in
turn to equalize the tension.
The last thing was to go
around the boat and check that
each jack stand was at roughly
the same pressure against the
hull. The yard manager made
sure she had emergency con-
tact information and a key to
the boat, then away we went.
It’s difficult to leave your boat,
especially in another country
during hurricane season, but
we felt confident in our prepa-
rations and comfortable with
the yard. — Greg Jones


An Ounce of Prevention
Here are the steps we took to prepare Chamba’s cabin and topsides
for hurricane season:
Interior airflow is key to keeping mold at bay. We lifted all cush-
ions and rested them on their sides, and opened all drawers, lockers
and floorboards to get as much air exposure as possible. We also
placed packets of desiccant throughout the interior. Upon our return,
they were all saturated, but mold and mildew were minimal.
I shut off the propane at the tank and turned off everything electric
except for the bilge pump.

To reduce windage and protect our gear, we removed the barbecue,
radar reflector, sails, bimini and dodger and stowed them below. We
lowered the topping lift and firmly tied the boom to the bimini’s frame,
with an old life jacket padding the contact point.
To keep out rain and bugs, we took the cowl vents off the dorade
boxes and screwed in the covers, sealed the hawsepipe, and cleaned
the gaskets on every hatch and portlight before closing them.
All running rigging that remained on deck was tightly coiled and
securely tied to the mast.

Webbing straps (left) led to attachment points (center) help secure boats on the hard. Chamba (right) is ready on launch day.

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