ShowBoats International — May 2017

(Grace) #1


Harriet Mays Powell
is the luxury editor of
Boat International US
Edition. A former
fashion editor of The
New York Times Magazine
and fashion director of New
York magazine, Harriet lives in
Westport, Connecticut.

Earliest memory of the water?
The SS Hatsy was a rowing boat we
used on my family pond in Connecticut,
and I was lucky enough to spend
childhood holidays in Bermuda
What would be your fantasy
superyacht? If Zaha Hadid were still
alive and designing boats, I’d be the
first in line

Malachy Duffy has been writing about
wine, spirits, food and travel for most
of his professional life. He has been an
editor at Travel + Leisure, Food & Wine
and House Beautiful. He writes about
summer rosé and top rye on page 50.

What’s your favorite pairing?
Simple. A slightly smoky single malt
and a very sharp cheddar
Best for a night cap?
An Islay single malt, neat. My default is
the 16-year-old Lagavulin 16
When it comes to wine, are you Old
World or New World? I like New World
wines made in Old World style, such
as Anderson Valley Pinot Noirs
Favorite drink for spring?
Anything that gets my sap flowing!

Kristin Ducote is an author and attorney, as well as
a philanthropist, art collector, cellist and Feadship
Heritage Fleet member. Kristin and her husband,
Chapman Ducote, call home to Miami Beach and
Aspen, but are often found free diving in the Bahamas
on their Swedish-built Delta carbon yacht. Read her
Darling on Deck column on page 85.

What can we expect from Darling on Deck?
A female perspective on yachting. Expect no-holds-barred thoughts, opinions and
occasional rants about life on the water. But always with a smile and a little love sprinkled in
When did you know you’d be a writer? When I was five or six I began writing down my
stories. I’ve always been a dreamer, so fiction writing comes naturally
Who is your go-to designer? Dior, darling!
What do you love/hate about yachting? Love: silent moments under water exploring a
reef and yoga on the back deck at sunset. Hate: sharks and sunburns and no shoes allowed!

Kristin Ducote

Malachy Duffy Harriet Mays Powell

Christoffer Rudquist
Christoffer Rudquist is a Swedish-born photographer who
lives in London with his wife Shoko. He shoots for Esquire,
Wired, Patek Philippe magazine, Aston Martin and Ferrari.
For this issue he went to Abu Dhabi to capture Motor Yacht A
and its designer Philippe Starck (see page 90).

What was your impression of Motor Yacht A?
Can I stay a while longer?
What did you like about it?
It’s bold, it’s beautiful, it’s like architecture meets sports car
and hangs out with Tintin and James Bond
What was it like to shoot?
With such beautiful lines, I wished I had more time
What was inspiring about Philippe Starck?
He’s charming with a design sense that is an extension of
his playful personality
Who is your design hero?
Oh that’s impossible to pin down to one. My wife and I have
eclectic tastes colored by our birth countries, Sweden and
Japan, and all the countries we’ve lived in










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