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y the time this magazine
thumps your doormat or
adorns the shelf of your local
newsagent, Christmas will
be over and 2016 will be
fast upon us. Faced with the
prospect of January and February the
natural instinct is to hibernate, but such
behaviour, never popular in Protestant
northern Europe, has been made utterly
unacceptable by the work-hard-play-hard
culture thrust upon us by our friends
across the pond.
They’re right, of course. If we fail to
work hard now, play will be delayed
come the spring as the boat languishes,
awaiting antifouling and the annual
sucking of teeth which results in half the
jobs planned for the winter being struck
off in favour of going afl oat. So the time
has come to shake off the winter blues,
gird our turkey-enhanced loins and set to.
Despite keeping
Red Dragon out of the
water for a year, which
turned into two, I’m
in exactly this position. We still have a
long way to go in what has turned into
a major refi t. It’s a demonstration of the
basic law that tasks will expand to fi ll the
time allotted them that we still look set
fair for a mad rush if we’re to fi nish the
boat in time for April.
Nonetheless, it’s been worth it.
Although my brother Ben and I share
the work, often with help from family
and friends, the winter season can be
too short to fi nish all the jobs you would
like to do. Perhaps when one retires it is
a different story, although most of the
people I know who have done so seem
to be just as busy as when they were
working. Deliberately taking the boat out
of the water for a longer period allows
you to make progress with tasks too big
to complete in just a few weekends and,
crucially, allows you to take advantage of
more clement weather for temperature-
and moisture-sensitive activities such as
painting. In the time Red Dragon has been
out of the oggin we have removed all the
deck fi ttings and windows, repainted
both hull and deck, and resealed all the
fi ttings. She has a completely new fuel
system leading to a custom-made fuel
tank below the cabin sole, shifting
unwelcome weight from the lazarette,
while below decks she has been refi tted
with new lockers which should improve
storage, has been completely rewired and
has a remodelled heads compartment for
easier access to the seacocks. The forward
vee berth will now be usable as a double,
and my sister-in-law Janice is in the
process of making new upholstery.
The jobs remaining are to fi t Flexiteek
panels to the cockpit seats, spruce up the
interior and exterior varnish and, in a
last-minute addition to the job list, fi t a
heater. This last, it is hoped, will make my
ever-freezing wife more willing to sail in
our less than tropical
climes, dry out our
oilies after a wet sail
and allow us to
extend our sailing season.
None of this would have happened with
the boat afl oat, but two years without
sailing her has been a frustration made
bearable only by our project boat Hantu
Biru being on the water. Richard Hare
did a similar ‘decade service’, published
in PBO November 2013, for the same
reasons – he just couldn’t fi nd enough
hours to do the work in a single winter.
The payoff, we hope, is reduced
maintenance in the coming few years,
allowing more time on the water. In the
short term, however, I’m wishing the
winter months past even more than
usual, looking forward to sailing my
own boat once again. The prospect is
tantalising and, fortunately, inspiring.
I wish you all a happy New Year, success
in the winter’s projects and a fi ne cruising
season for 2016.
Fair winds,
David Pugh
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The time has come to gird
our turkey-enhanced loins
Hibernation? Perish the thought
Waiting for
the tide
with the editor