Circumventing obstacles and applying painstaking
measurements: David Berry recalls the chill factors
which had to be addressed in order to replace his
boat’s 61lt fridge with a more modern, effi cient, 87 lt model
A tale of two fridges
hen the fridge
in your kitchen
at home dies
you pop to the
shop, buy a
replacement, slip the broken
one out and slip the new one
into the vacated space. When
the fridge on your boat needs
replacing, you’re likely to fi nd
that it came fi rst and the boat
was built around it. This is a
tale of close measurements
and unforeseen obstacles,
offered to you in the hope
of saving you shock and
heartache should you ever
need to change your fridge.
Our Moody Eclipse 33 Aderyn
Glas came with a 61lt fridge built
into a locker. In the spring of 2015
we had the opportunity to upgrade
it to an 87lt unit of more modern
and effi cient design. We didn’t
want to hack the woodwork about
so the fridge we chose had to fi t in
the existing locker. We measured
the space available, the front
opening and the aperture in the
top of the locker I had cut with a
hacksaw blade all those years ago
in order to fi t a cooling fan. We
wanted to keep the fan to remove
the heated air from the rear of the
fridge, then we went looking for a
fridge that would fi t and found a
Vitrifrigo 90i would fi ll the space
perfectly. We blinked at the cost
and wondered why a fridge for a
boat should cost fi ve times that of
a larger one for the kitchen, but we
bought it from Penguin and ran it
in for a couple of months at home
without trouble. It looked very nice
sat on the worktop in our utility
room and hummed quietly to itself,
taking a negligible amount of
energy to keep the wine cool. We
took it to Greece in the back of
our car wondering, as we drove
past the Vitrifrigo factory in Italy,
why we hadn’t bought one there,
particularly since the exchange
rate was so good at the time.
The decorative door had to go to allow
the new fridge door to open fully and to
provide more volume for the 87lt unit
Behind this door
is the original 61lt fridge