Power & Motoryacht – June 2017

(Marcin) #1

Seeing into the Future



Virtual reality let show-goers at Yachts Miami Beach
explore the Hatteras 90 Motor Yacht before it was built.



azing over a South African
savanna from an open Land
Rover, I see big-game animals
grazing in every direction. Noisy bird
calls and an elephant’s trumpeting peal
rise above the light rustle of the veldt
grasses. It’s stunning. Th e scene soft ens
and suddenly I’m sitting in a yurt with a
family during supper. I look around the
circular dwelling, down at my plate of
food, then through the open canvas door
at the Mongolian steppe. As I study a wall
hanging, I feel a tap on my shoulder—
time’s up. I remove the Samsung virtual
reality (VR) headset, and I’m back in New
York City. Th e experience was surreal. Or
was it so real?
VR has gone from a video gamer’s play-
thing to an extremely valuable tool for
myriad modalities. Boatbuilders, too, are
realizing the powerful ways in which VR
can be implemented, from a vessel’s initial
design to dockside deal-making.
Perennially at the forefront in yacht de-
sign and technology, Dutch builders and
designers have been enthusiastic about VR for quite some time.
“Th e topic is really alive,” said Jeroen Droogsma, Vripack’s design
studio manager. Calling from the design company’s Amsterdam
offi ce, Droogsma related how VR is reshaping Vripack, putting the
terabytes of data produced in yacht design, refi ts, and consultations
to more effi cient use. “It’s allowed us to use data in a diff erent way,
in a better way,” he said. “Th ere’s much more intelligence in those
fi les than can be [seen] from printing on paper. We’re extracting
much more out of it.”
Another Dutchman, entrepreneur Ingmar Vroege, founded
Ships & Goggles as an off shoot of his VR design house Bricks &
Goggles about two years ago. Vroege saw the potential of VR in
megayacht design, so he took his Oculus Rift VR headset to last
year’s Monaco Yacht Show and immediately impressed superyacht
behemoth Yachting Partners International. “YPI was enthusias-
tic from the beginning,” Vroege said. He’s currently working with
company on an immersive VR experience for a 344-foot yacht.
Both Droogsma and Vroege mentioned the dual role VR plays

for builders and clients. “Th ere’s a lot of
money involved in superyachts, and a high
amount of bespoke objects and interiors.
Builders want happy clients [and] to deliver
on time, so the more uncertainty you can
get rid of, the better,” Droogsma explained.
Vroege echoed these remarks. “Custom-
ers will begin to ask for it,” he said, adding
that VR is helping builders obviate the need
to put together scale models. “By building
up the model [in VR], how it needs to be
done by the shipyard, we’re teaching em-
ployees to build a boat before the build. It’s
good for us, good for the clients, and good
for the shipyard,” Vroege said.
Across the pond, at around the same time
Vroege was wooing YPI, Hatteras Yachts
COO Wade Watson was talking with High
Rock Studios, a full-service marketing
fi rm. Watson had previously worked on
VR projects with High Rock and saw its
potential for Hatteras. Th e builder wanted
something innovative to help advertise its
in-build 90-foot mo-toryacht at the Ft. Lau-
derdale boat show. “We needed something
more immersive, where the customer could get a real sense of space,”
Hatteras Marketing Director Joe Cacopardo told me.
Hatteras promoted the VR for the 90 via its dealer network and
had potential customers lined up and ready at FLIBS. As with the
Dutch VR systems, these clients wore a headset (HTC Vine and
Oculus Rift are the leaders in the fi eld) and used a video-game-
type controller to tour the vessel. If desired, they could ask ques-
tions, pull up a fl oor plan, select items, change colors of settees,
update countertop materials—even move bulkheads.
For Hatteras, VR “went really, really well,” Cacopardo said, as the
company sold Hull No. 1 at the show. Cacopardo now sees VR as
a more permanent part of the boat-selling process, a tool that can
be used to get clients emotionally involved. And like Vroege, he
thinks VR will play a major role in product development and the
spatial-relationship process. “Soon, we will be designing behind
the glasses, not on the computer screen,” Vroege told me. “All of the
foundations [of boat design] will be done this way.” Seems like VR
is on board to shake up the boatbuilding process for the better. U


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