Blue Water Sailing — June-July 2017

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Breeze, James and Manta, furry friends who helped
soothe them after the incident.
Be prepared: Have a few cans of wasp spray located
near the companionway and don’t be scared to fight if
necessary. Be loud.
“Be ready. Don’t back away from the guy,” Mark said.
“The objective is getting him off the boat.”

Prevention and awareness are the keys, Mark and
Tina said, years after the attack. While guns remain
a controversial topic in the cruising community, they
recommend not carrying a firearm. It’s an added hassle
when checking into most countries, and in their case,
a gun really wouldn’t have done much good.
After the incident, the couple worked with the St.
Vincent and the Grenadines’ Tourism Board to discuss
ways of improving services and safety with local mer-
chants and residents. Clearly, countries where these
incidents occur want to improve safety for cruisers. But
it’s unknown how much will change and how much
can truly improve with the current economic realities.
That’s why cruisers should not hesitate to improve the
safety of their vessels.
“There’s no need to live in fear,” Tina said. “These types
of attacks can be prevented. Be safe and keep sailing.”

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