Sea Magazine – May 2017

(nextflipdebug5) #1


the use of aluminum sacrificial anodes
satisfies both the environmentalists and
boat operators — something one rarely
sees. The aluminum anodes are alloyed
(often with very small amounts of zinc,
iron, and indium) so they are more negative
on the galvanic scale than zinc anodes and
they, therefore, provide better corrosion

In terms of longevity, an aluminum
anode lasts between 30 and 50 percent
longer than an anode made of zinc,
depending on the manufacturer. A magne-
sium anode will last only about one-third
as long as a similarly sized zinc anode. In
some markets the aluminum anodes cost
a bit more than those made of the more
traditional zinc material, but because they

last longer, overall cost is about the same or
even less.
The aluminum anodes now on the
market are considered by many the “best”
type of sacrificial anodes available, for a
number of reasons:

  • They do a better job of protection than
    the traditional zinc anodes.

  • They are accepted by various sterndrive
    manufacturers as the best material to use.

  • They last longer.

  • They can be safely used in salt, fresh or
    brackish water.

  • They are environmentally friendlier than
    the alternatives.
    Aluminum sacrificial anodes are readily
    available, but anodes made of zinc continue
    to “hold on” because boaters, and many
    small service yards, have simply not kept
    up with sacrificial anode technology. To
    them, “a zinc is a zinc.” Another reason is
    the manufacturers of sacrificial anodes
    have not properly informed the boating
    public of changes in the technology. Most
    of them make anodes of both aluminum
    and zinc, and they make as much selling
    one as the other, so they are not financially
    motivated to spend money on advertising
    or marketing.
    The world’s largest manufacturer of
    sacrificial anodes for pleasure vessels is
    Richmond, B.C.-based Canada Metal
    (Pacific) Ltd. Its anodes are sold under the
    Martyr brand name.
    Tyler Seebach, Canada Metal’s vice pres-
    ident of marine sales, said more boaters
    are becoming aware of the advantages of
    sacrificial anodes made of aluminum. As
    a result, the sale of pleasureboat sacrificial
    anodes made of aluminum has steadily
    increased 10 percent a year over the past
    six years.
    I’ve limited this story to sacrificial
    anodes. Boaters who want a more detailed
    marine and technical electro-chemical
    corrosion discussion can consult a number
    of books on the market, two of which are
    most useful. “The Boatowner’s Guide To
    Corrosion” is written by Everett Collier
    and is published by McGraw-Hill. Nigel
    Warren’s “Metal Corrosion In Boats” is the
    other. The well-respected naval architect
    and marine writer’s book is published by
    Adlard Cole Nautical.

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