Classic Boat — November 2017

(Romina) #1


IDEA 1: Maple mustard salad dressing
HOW? In a clean jam jar, mix together 100ml
olive oil, 3 tbsp cider vinegar, 3 tbsp maple syrup,
2 tbsp wholegrain mustard, 1 crushed garlic clove,
the juice of half a lemon and some seasoning. Replace
the lid and keep in the fridge. Shake well before serving.

IDEA 2: Creamy mustard sauce
HOW? Sauté some finely diced onion and garlic in a pan until
softened. Add 200 ml non-dairy cream and 2 tbsp wholegrain
mustard and stir to combine. Season well and serve with your
favourite seitan.

IDEA 3: Mustard mash
HOW? Mash potato is a crowd-pleaser.
Try jazzing up your mash by folding in
some sautéed leeks and a big dollop
of wholegrain mustard. It’s sure to
have your friends and family asking
you for your secret ingredient.

Make the most of your
leftover ingredients with
these recipe ideas


IDEA 1: Potato pancakes
HOW? Mix well seasoned, smooth mashed potato with a splash
of non-dairy milk and some plain flour to make soft dough.
Flatten balls of the mixture into thick patties and dust with a little
extra flour before frying in hot, non-dairy spread until golden on
both sides. This makes for a delicious snack with salsa, or as an
accompaniment to a main meal.

IDEA 2: Cheese, leek and potato pie
HOW? Mix mashed potatoes with some sautéed leeks, grated
non-dairy cheese and a spoonful of mustard. Line a shallow pie
dish with ready rolled pastry, fill with the potato mixture and top
with a pastry lid. Bake in a hot oven until golden and crispy.

IDEA 3: Gnocchi
HOW? Mix smooth, lump-free mash with enough plain flour to
make stiff dough. Roll into long, 1-inch wide ropes and cut into
short dumplings. Make indentations in the top of each with
the back of a fork and boil in salted water until they rise to the
surface. Drain and serve with dairy-free pesto, or use in the
Aubergine Gratin recipe from this issue (page 50).


IDEA 1: Garlic dough balls
HOW? Roll the raw dough into walnut sized
balls. Arrange in a baking dish and brush with
garlic non-dairy butter. Bake in a very hot oven for
10-15 minutes and serve hot, with extra garlic butter
to dip into.

IDEA 2: Inside out pizzas
HOW? Take lemon sized balls of dough and flatten slightly. Place
a spoonful of tomato sauce and some grated non-dairy cheese
in the centre, plus any of your favourite pizza toppings. Bring
the edges of the dough up and around the filling to encase it
completely and flatten slightly once again. Bake in a hot oven for
15 minutes, or until puffy and golden.

IDEA 3: Olive grissini
HOW? Finely chop a couple of handfuls of your favourite olives
and knead them into the dough until evenly distributed. Using
small portions of dough, roll out long, very slim breadstick
shapes using your hands and plenty of flour to dust the dough.
Lay the grissini on a floured baking sheet, sprinkle generously
with sea salt and cook in a very
hot oven for 15-20 minutes,
or until golden and crispy.
Serve with olive oil and
balsamic vinegar, or
hummus for dipping.


IDEA 1: Quick pickled shallots
HOW? Peel and thickly slice raw shallots and sprinkle them with
sea salt. Pack into sterilised jars with a few cloves, mustard seeds
and onion seeds and fill the jars to the top with vinegar. Seal and
leave for a week to enhance the flavour.

IDEA 2: Crispy shallots
HOW? Try peeling and finely slicing your shallots before frying
them in a couple of centimetres of hot oil until crispy and golden
brown. Drain on kitchen paper and allow to cool completely
before storing in an air tight container for up to a week. Use to top
salads, soups and curries.

IDEA 3: Béarnaise sauce
HOW? Try blitzing silken tofu with some Dijon mustard, white
wine vinegar, and plenty of seasoning to make a smooth sauce.
Stir through finely chopped shallots and fresh tarragon to create a
super easy take on the classic French sauce.


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