Yachting Monthly — November 2017

(C. Jardin) #1
20 http://www.yachtingmonthly.com NOVEMBER 2017

How to unlock the

secrets of winds on

a weather shore


A weather shore may give shelter, but it’s not something

you should take for granted. Ken Endean explains why


e all know about lee shores.
Nasty places where wind
and sea thrash against the
land, so that prudent sailors
stay well to windward. An
ability to beat clear of a lee shore under
sail, in rough conditions, is an essential
safety factor in any yacht because
even supposedly reliable engines are
vulnerable to hazards such as fuel tank
bugs and fl oating crab pot lines.
Weather shores, where the wind blows
off the land, seem more enticing and
offer the prospect of fl at-water sailing
with an opportunity to visit sheltered
bays and coves. And yet, the air does not
always slide off the coast in a civilised
manner. The land interferes with the
wind, sometimes increasing its strength
rather than weakening it, often changing
its direction, and in some places these
effects can turn a supposedly sheltered
anchorage into a cauldron of howling
gusts. Conversely, a land mass may

encourage helpful inshore breezes on
days when the open sea is relatively
windless – useful propulsion for coastal
sailors who enjoy playing the shifts and
making the most of their canvas.
These local variations are unlikely to be
mentioned in any weather forecast, and
some of their causes are ignored or over-
simplifi ed in most sailing manuals. The
best way to understand the atmospheric
quirks is by spending time afl oat, by
careful observation, and by attempting
to visualise how the land is infl uencing
the air fl ow. In many ways, moving air
behaves in a similar manner to fl owing
water, as they are both fl uids, but the
air’s behaviour is also greatly infl uenced
by variations in temperature. A yacht
skipper is unlikely to have access to the
atmospheric temperature data that is
available to meteorologists but clouds,
mist and other phenomena often provide
visual clues, so it is helpful to know what
to look for.



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