Yachting Monthly — November 2017

(C. Jardin) #1



tanding a watch alone at night can
be a magical, if chilly, experience.
A sailor I was talking to recently
agreed with me on this. We
disagreed, however, about which hours
are best to be on deck. He preferred the
midnight hours so he could get in some
sleep before waking up to breakfast.
Fair enough, but it’s the dawn watch I
love: stumbling up into the cold night air,
eyes adjusting to the darkness as the off-
going watch points out ships and sail-
changes made. Then, with a mumbled
‘Good night’, you’re on your own.
On a clear night, the horizon is an ink-
ruled line above moonlight sparkling on
the water. Then the faintest smudge of
grey in the sky slowly soaks down to the
horizon. Colour seeps in, flooding the sky
with orange and blue long before the sun
arrives, banishing the last strictures of
night. At that moment the wind is clear
and crisp, and the exhilaration of being
alive, and at sea, is immense. In one form
or another, it’s why we go sailing.
In Cecily Gould’s book Gossip (p59) she
recounts the satisfaction of a seven-hour
trick on the helm. Impressive though that

is, Yachting Monthly's longest-serving
staff member far outshines it. Maxine
Heath has just completed a watch on deck
at YM of 38 years and eight months, and
41 years at the company, as editorial
artist, sub-editor, proof-reader, assistant
production editor, picture researcher,
archivist and finally pilotage editor. A
fount of knowledge on all things YM and a
kind and diligent colleague – she will be
missed and we wish her all the best.
Of course, once you’re on watch, you’ve
got the business of keeping the boat
moving and on course. As I take over
from Kieran, I’d like to thank him for his
dedication and steady hand at the helm,
and hope I can do as good a job as he did.
I am excited by what lies ahead, and the
adventure that yacht cruising, and writing
about it, offers. Whether you dream of
drifting around the Med in a sleek cruiser-
racer (p28), or wending your way into the
shelter of the weather shore on our
rugged coast (p20), I trust
you'll find something
to get stuck into in
this issue of YM, and
in those to come.

‘The adventure that cruising offers’

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The joys of yacht cruising: after a chilly night watch, a hot breakfast and a front row seat to a sunrise at sea

NOVEMBER 2017 http://www.yachtingmonthly.com 5
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