Saltwater Boat Angling — December 2017

(Barry) #1

Saltwater Boat Angling 13

The intention is to prevent the decline
of bass numbers and safeguard the
species for future generations. There
has also been an evident positive
change in the attitudes of anglers and
sport-fisherman alike, we seem to be
becoming more conservation-minded
and get more fulfilment from
releasing one of nature’s awesome,
but slow-growing, marauders.

My favoured fly pattern for bass,
which has accounted for hundreds of
fish, is an EP Minnow. This is tied on a
2/0 or 4/0 hook, ranging in length
from 4-8 inches and is based on a
large bait-fish representing
something similar to what the bass
feed on ie mackerel, smelt, herring,
pouting etc. The flies have a good
profile so they can be seen from
below and are able to catch the bass’
attention, whilst looking realistic. My
favourite colours or patterns are:
mackerel, chartreuse/white, olive/
white and grey/white. The flies are
tied on an SL12 Gamakatsu hooks, EP
fibres (Enrico Puglisi) are used for the
body in conjunction with EP Eyes;
these flies are simple and effective
(requiring few materials).
These flies can be fished with an array
of techniques. Retrieves can be slow
and jerky (my preferred method,
especially in cooler months) or rapidly
stripped back if the bass are in an
aggressive mood.
This can be very exciting when you’re
getting loads of bangs and taps. They
can also be fished on different lines at

different depths, my most successful
and personal preference is to fish with
an 8# fly rod, di7 sinking line and 20lb
fluorocarbon leader. This allows me to
get my fly down deep and quickly.
It is important to explore the depths
and locate where the bass are
feeding. Bass are fish that live in
shoals so, find one fish and you’re
likely to catch more. Quite often
sessions with up to twenty to thirty

Bass like this one put up a great scrap on a fl y rod

Another bass falls to the EP minnow

An example of an EP minnow

Issue 019 1-47.indd 13 09/11/2017 10:09:

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