Saltwater Boat Angling — December 2017

(Barry) #1
On my boat, Flamer IV, I have noticed over recent years that the general age of
my customers is now between 50 to 75 – whether that says anything about sea
anglers I couldn’t comment. However, as a result of this I decided to start “The Old
Gits” competition for anglers aged 60 and over. The event is really a bit of fun
and since its inception in 2011 it’s been won by six different anglers,
(see opposite page). 
So, was there going to be a new name on the winners
shield in 2017? The average age of our competitors this
year was 66 and this included three previous winners.
We run the competition score sheet based on landing fish
over 12 inches (30cms), plus extra points are awarded for
any fish landed over 5lbs and over 120lbs This means we
really try and target larger species of fish – the mini species
are off the menu so to speak.

22 Saltwater Boat Angling

Weymouth skipper Colin Penny reports on
a competition has initiated amongst his

customers – having noticed their average
age is creeping upwards

Jim with a decent
3Ib black bream

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