Saltwater Boat Angling — December 2017

(Barry) #1

Saltwater Boat Angling 29

Bilge pump
As ‘Lucky G’ has no boat cover, one
of the most important items we
need to be working while the boat
is unattended is of course the
automatic bilge pump. The old one
has not been working properly so
we have had to have it replaced.
Just a small item but it ensures we
step into a dry boat and not slosh
about in several inches of water
each time we went aboard, as had
been the case recently.

Weather window
At last, a spell of settled weather at
the end of October and Tim and I
have planned a trip in ‘Lucky G’. It’s
a short tide so we can anchor the
Beachy Head ledge I mentioned at
the start of the column and see for
ourselves if the cod have returned.
Armed with some boxes of squid

and 50 black lug we set off
westwards to the famous suicide
spot that is the 500 feet high, chalk
cliffs of Beachy Head. The ledge
runs out from the shore near the
lighthouse for about three
quarters of a mile and when we

arrived there were already three
boats fishing it at anchor. One of
them was Steve Bradshaw’s ‘Deep
Blue’ which gave me great
encouragement as Steve would
not be fishing this mark if there
were no cod here. The tide was

Beachy Head ledge

10lb cod took a squid and lugworm

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