Saltwater Boat Angling — December 2017

(Barry) #1

30 Saltwater Boat Angling

easing down to low tide so I set the anchor a couple of
hundred yards off the ledge allowing the boat to swing
round as the tide started to flow and fish out baits into
the leading edge.

Who let the dogs out?
Slack water, away from the ledge meant dogfish and we
certainly had our fill before the tide began to flood.
After about 20 dogs our squid was getting well
depleted but as soon as the boat started to turn I had a
couple of small bull huss and Tim landed a small bass
while trying out a Red Gill. There was lots of gulls
working and we had a dolphin come close to the boat.
At this time of the year the bass and the mackerel are
migrating westwards while the herring and sprats are
moving east and the sea is filled with action. So, what
about the cod? With the tide now starting to flow my
rod gave a couple of nods and I lifted into what I
thought would be another dogfish but this one felt
heavier and gave the good old cod nod. At last a good
bend in the rod and our first cod of the winter, only
about 5lbs or 6lbs, but it was a start.

A double
I baited up my 6/0 pennel rig again using a side of a
large squid with several black lug and dropped it down.
It wasn’t long before my rod gave several good bites
and I found myself into another one and a bit heavier as
well. Tim was ready with the net to boat a fine cod of
around 10lbs. As I had only one last winter, I had
already doubled that with plenty of time before
Christmas to bag some more, if the weather allows.
While Tim was getting some pictures of the fish in the
net, his rod took a real bend and as the butt lifted and
the rod began to disappear over the side he grabbed it
and hung on. He had hooked something big, but not for
long, as it came off and he found his pennel rig ripped
off. Was probably a big conger as there are plenty on
the reef at this time of the year. That was the end of the
excitement for the day as the tide got too strong and
we headed for home. The sea had been flat calm, the
sun pleasantly warm, everything on the boat worked as
it should and we had two cod in the boat. To me that
was a perfect day.

Seeing Deep Blue was a good omen Editor Tim with one of the many dogfish

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