Saltwater Boat Angling — December 2017

(Barry) #1

54 Saltwater Boat Angling

just 10g of weight for a single hook
baited with ragworm.

Giving a good account
When a flounder is hooked on light
tackle it can give a really good
account of itself and is great sport. I
can vividly remember a 2lber I
caught in Poole harbour. I was
anchored just out of the main flow
off Rockley in about 1 meter of water.
I had gently lobbed the 10g weight
and ragworm on a single hook up-
tide and let it trundle round slowly.
The flounder took to my right on the
down-tide side and as soon as it felt
pressure it bent the rod double, took

line and actually moved the kayak
round in the tide. Given a chance
even the humble flounder can
be a sporting fish, it is just that
many are anchored to the bottom by
a 4oz weight or more and on a
heavy beachcaster don’t get the
opportunity to show their mettle,
which is a shame.

Ideal target for youngsters
For getting youngsters out in safe,
sheltered water through the winter
months the flounder is an ideal
species to target. The upper reaches
of wooded estuaries are wonderfully
scenic places to fish too and because

of the tidal constraints you will rarely
encounter any boating traffic and the
more awkward to reach marks can
yield some specimens. A 3lb flounder
is a prize worth pursuing, for these
bigger fish peeler crab is the
preferred bait, the odd one will be
taken on ragworm, but crab usually
sorts out the bigger fish.

Rods and rigs and
twizzle sticks
When fishing from the kayak I tend
to fish with two rods but just one
hook on each rig, I have always done
well with a popped-up ledger rig, not
only does it help to give the bait
movement and the floating beads
act as attractors, but it does make the
bait last longer against the ravages of
the crabs.


Simon with a flounder

A flounder comes to the kayak

flounder bait

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