Practical Boat Owner — November 2017

(Barry) #1
Various types of telescopic and
swivelling ladders are available for
swim platforms. the example
featured here is a four-step plastimo
design, model number 57036.
The frame dimensions are: overall width 303mm,
frames sides width 78mm and the overall depth
318mm. The tread widths are 254mm to the
outside of the tube and the extended
ladder length is 1.150m.


The two pivot
bolts were
fitted either side of
the frame through
the top tubes of
the ladder. Nyloc
nuts require a
each side for
tightening and I
would need both
hands. Therefore
one side of the
ladder was held in
place with a
temporary nut
and bolt which
could be
done up
finger tight.

As the frame goes on the wooden
mounts so do the nuts and bolts
which help secure everything in place.
Note the lanyard tied to the frame at the
back of the picture. This was a moment
when you didn’t want any slip-ups.

Check the ladder extends and
rotates down easily without snagging
on any fixings – this is why I cut the
overlong bolts to length. Nyloc nuts and
pivot bolts must be done up securely –
but not overtightened because this will
stiffen the sliding action of the ladder.

The holding screw can now be
removed and in its place the last hole
for the final fixing point can be drilled right
through the platform, the mount and the
frame itself. The nut and bolt on the left
shows a length before it is trimmed.

With the frame securely fitted, the
telescopic section can be fitted inside
it. For this part of the job my tender was
brought alongside so I could work from it
to get right under the platform. Wash from
passing boats meant it needed to be tied
on securely.

Having a comfortable
ladder makes giving the
boat a bottom scrape a lot
easier. in poor visibility,
the extra length also
makes it much easier to
see when swimming back
to it from under the boat...
it doesn’t make the water
any warmer though!
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