Practical Boat Owner — November 2017

(Barry) #1


The new Axiom MFD from Raymarine is reinventing
navigation. With faster performance, intuitive
operation, and leading-edge technology, Axiom
delivers unmatched awareness, above and below
the water line.


Start planing
Swing the end stop
out of the way or remove
it completely. You can
remove most of the slope
with an electric planer, if
you have one, until the
feather edge is about
1-2mm thick. Make sure
you keep the back end of
the plane supported on
the bearer to end up with the correct angle.
When you are getting near the end swap to a long plane.
The distance between the blade and the rear end of the plane
must be longer than the edge of the jig and the bearer.

Finished items
Stop planing
when the feather edge
is about 0.5mm thick.
Remove the finished
timbers. The slope
should be perfectly flat
and the edges at true
right angles. Glue end
to end and repeat.

Filling the jig
With the end stop in
position, slide the timber
to be planed into the jig
under the bearer. Clamp
the timber to be planed to
the jig further away from
the bearer such that it
cannot slip when it is
being planed.
Free download pdf