Practical Boat Owner — November 2017

(Barry) #1

turning tightly with a long-keeler

North Star in her berth, secured by forward and aft springs
and breast lines. The wind is on her port beam, blowing her
off the pontoon.

He now goes aft to release the stern line...

Next it’s back amidships to release the centre spring on the
way into the wheelhouse

7 Alan can motor forward, engaging the bow-thruster
as he goes (note the turbulence in the water visible under
the ensign staff).

Alan has rigged up a short central spring so he can drop the
forward and aft springs.

...then forward to pull the bow in with the bow line before
dropping it too

The wind has already given North Star some clearance from
the pontoon...

The bow-thruster combined with tickover in ahead and full
port rudder has allowed Alan to turn through almost 90°
while barely moving forward.

Leaving the berth

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