Boating New Zealand — December 2017

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112 Boating New Zealand

  • Some PE lines
    break at up
    to twice their
    nominal breaking

  • Most commonly
    used knots
    weaken PE lines
    by at least a third.

  • Modern braid-
    ready reels can
    exert high drag
    pressures: a small
    3000 size reel
    might deliver 8kg.

  • Top-quality reels
    use carbon matrix
    drag washers/
    discs for superior
    performance and

  • Drag systems are
    either ‘wet’ or ‘dry’.
    Wet drags are
    lubricated with oil
    or grease.


Sport fishers can exert an eye-watering level of drag pressure
with today’s high-tech fishing tackle and there is always the
temptation to pull on the gear as hard as you can. But anglers
need to take care. Modern fishing rods designed for PE lines are
wonderful, but they can be broken.
Pulling too hard, lifting a rod too high (point loading) or
changing the rod’s fulcrum point, either by gripping a loaded
rod above the foregrip or bracing it against the side of the boat,
can result in spectacular rod failures and lost fish.
Heavy tackle fishing can also place considerable physical
strain on the angler, with back, hand and arm injuries not

uncommon. Wearing gloves is sensible, not only to protect the
fingers from the unforgiving nature of taut PE line, but also to
maintain your grip on rod and reel (harnesses are seldom used
with PE line), which a strong fish or a lurching boat can easily
jerk out of the hands since there is no ‘give’ in the line. PE lines
are also extremely difficult to break when snagged – I’ve seen
large vessels effectively anchored by a single PE 8 jigging outfit
snagged on the bottom.
With the lighter tackle used for inshore fishing, fighting fish
is less physically demanding, although fights are often longer.
PE braid affords the advantage of effectively upping the line
class without the usual penalties of weight, bulk and increased

ABOVE RIGHT Modern rods,
like this micro-jigging rod, are
designed for braided PE lines.
ABOVE LEFT Heavy tackle
fishing for large, strong fish
like this yellowfin tuna can be
physically demanding.
BELOW Take care gripping the
rod above the foregrip.
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