Android Advisor 2017

(Michael S) #1


  1. Widgets via app shortcuts
    Google has changed the location and appearance
    of the home screen widget picker several times, and
    Oreo brings yet another alteration. This one might
    make using widgets much easier, though. All of an
    app’s widgets are accessible with a long-press on the
    app icon. This works in the app drawer as well as on
    the home screen.
    The long-press menu is the same one that shows
    pending notifications via notification dots, one of the
    high-profile changes to Android 8.0. Less well-known
    is the icon that looks like four small squares. That’s the
    widget shortcut. It’s at the top of the popup for apps
    that have launcher shortcuts, but it has a full line with
    a label on those that do not. Tap the icon (wherever

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