Poetry Translating as Expert Action Processes, priorities and networks

(Amelia) #1

Chapter 2. Poetry in a political preface 

  1. Sada je ovo gnijezdo već gotovo
    now this nest is already finished [=‘done for’]

  2. Crknut će taj pas pseći
    that dog canine will die [PEJORATIVE]

  3. Od samih
    of very

  4. Jada

  5. A ja ću začudo još na zemlji prisutan sniti
    and/but I will miraculously still on earth present [ADJ., AGREES WITH ‘I’] be

  6. Pa kao mudar badac sa istoka
    and/then like a/the wise watchman from the east

  7. Što drugom brani da bdije i snije
    who forbids the other/another [person] to stay awake and to sleep/dream

  8. Sasut ćeš otrov
    you’ll pour poison

  9. U moj studenac
    into my spring

  10. Iz koga mi je
    from which it’s for me

  11. Piti
    to drink

  12. I smijat ćeš se vas opijen
    and you’ll laugh all [ARCHAIC] drunken

  13. Kako me više neće
    that/how I’ll no longer

  14. Biti
    Be [there]

  15. (Ti ništa ne znaš o gradu u kome ja živim
    (you know nothing about the town/city in which I live

  16. Ti nemaš pojma o kući u kojoj ja jedem
    you’ve no idea/concept about the house in which I eat

  17. Ti ne znaš ništa
    you know nothing

  18. O hladnom zdencu
    about the cold well

  19. Iz koga
    from which

  20. Ja pijem)
    I drink)

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