Techlife News – August 24, 2019

(Marcin) #1

President Donald Trump has been on a tear about
Google that traces back to a series of unfounded
claims about the technology giant circulating
among conservatives. Among those claims: that
Google interferes with U.S. elections, is biased
against conservatives and prefers working with
the Chinese military over the Pentagon.
In several tweets issued this August, Trump
assailed Google for alleged electoral interference
and again brought up claims of its alleged secret
involvement with the Chinese government. This
week, the president reiterated a baseless claim
that Google had ”manipulated ” the 2016 election
in favor of Hillary Clinton, which his campaign’s
Twitter feed also picked up.
All of these claims emerged from reports and
commentary from conservative pundits and
Trump supporters, none backed by convincing
evidence. Google has also denied them.





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