Techlife News – August 24, 2019

(Marcin) #1

Because regardless of its perhaps pedestrian
origins (these non-flying birds ARE pedestrians,
actually) the movie, directed by Thurop Van
Orman, reminds us that finding a formula to
appeal to both kids and parents for 90-odd
minutes isn’t rocket science. All you need is
some appealing characters, some famous
voices, a message with heart, and, crucially,
some good jokes.

Oh, and potty references. Unfortunately, kids still
really like those.

If you haven’t seen the last film, and haven’t even
played the game (in which case, kudos for all the
time you’ve saved), let’s recap. Our action takes
place on two islands — Bird Island, home to the
titular angry birds, and Piggy Island, home to the
green pigs, who in the last movie stole — and
came frighteningly close to eating — Bird Island’s
precious eggs. In other words, its future offspring.
But let’s not dwell on that.

Because we have more immediate concerns.
As we begin the sequel, Red (Jason Sudeikis),
he of the touchy temper and large eyebrows
who became an unlikely hero in the last film, is
basking in newfound popularity. He spends his
days with sidekick Chuck (Josh Gad), inventing
elaborate pranks to play on the pigs, who are
led by Leonard (Bill Hader.)

The birds slingshot a whole bunch of hot sauce
over to Piggy Island. The pigs send over some
crabs. This could go on forever, except one day,
the pigs ask for a truce.

Red and Chuck are skeptical, but it turns out
there’s something threatening all of them, and
they need to join forces. Gigantic ice balls are
falling from the sky, targeting birds and pigs alike.

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