Techlife News – August 24, 2019

(Marcin) #1

Trump himself has sent mixed signals. The
extension was announced a day after he
told reporters the U.S. shouldn’t be doing
business with Huawei. In May, Trump issued
an executive order in May under which the
Federal Communications Commission is
studying whether to institute a ban on Huawei
equipment in U.S. telecom networks.

Segal said “mixed messaging and inconsistencies”
on Huawei by Trump administration officials are
apt to reinforce concerns in Beijing about the
credibility of any trade deal that might be reached
with Washington.

Triolo said the one thing is sure in all the
confusion generated by the White House:
“Huawei is doubling down on finding alternative
suppliers, and U.S. companies going forward
will be viewed as unreliable partners by greater
numbers of Chinese firms.”

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