Techlife News – August 24, 2019

(Marcin) #1

When it comes to credit card rewards, it’s not all
about gas, groceries and restaurants anymore.
Issuers are moving beyond suburban staples to
include millennial-friendly categories such as
transit and streaming subscriptions.
The trend toward streaming rewards, in
particular, is hard to miss, with cards from
American Express, Chase and Wells Fargo now
featuring streaming as a bonus category. But
what’s behind this explosion?
For starters, streaming is wildly popular. As
of 2017, more than half of U.S. households
subscribed to paid video-streaming services,
according to Deloitte’s digital media trends survey

. But experts say it’s also about issuers forging
early connections with younger consumers and
ensuring that they remain customers.
“The strategy is simple: If a consumer opens a
credit card when young, the (issuer) can build a

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