Techlife News – August 24, 2019

(Marcin) #1

Carolina, representing almost 15,000 new jobs
and a 50 percent increase in Florida, which
added almost 30,000 new jobs. In Pennsylvania,
there was a 64 percent increase in growth with
Apple indirectly responsible for 67,000 jobs, up
from 40,800 jobs back in 2016.


Whilst Apple may only directly employ 90,000
people in the United States, the Cupertino firm
could technically be responsible for an unlimited
number of jobs. As demonstrated from the
App Store figures, Apple’s ecosystems are so
powerful that developers can create their own
products and services and launch them inside of
iOS and make millions in the process.

According to data from Think Gaming, for
example, Candy Crush generates more than
$1.6 million dollars every day, followed by
Niantic with its title Pokemon Go generating
an average of $1.2 million per day, and
Supercell generating $800,000 per day with
Clash Royale. Those figures only correspond
to revenue generated inside of the United
States; worldwide mobile gaming revenue is
considerably higher, and games sailing on the
success of a viral campaign can generate eye-
watering sums, with Epic Games’ Fortnite
earning $2.4 billion in 2018 through the App
Store and Play Store alone.

Apple’s powerful ecosystems give developers
the keys to a potential audience of 1.4 billion.
And despite Apple holding just a 14% share of
the smartphone OS market, iOS users spend
on average twice as much as Android users
on new apps, software, subscriptions and

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