Techlife News – August 24, 2019

(Marcin) #1

their premium music streaming tier, and Apple
is reportedly considering the same. Apple
will soon finance original podcasts that are
exclusive to the Apple Podcasts platform,
according to Bloomberg, with the firm meeting
with media companies to discuss possible deals.
Podcasts have exploded in popularity around
the world in recent years, with one in three
citizens listening to a podcast within the past
month - up from one in four last year. The best
part? Podcasts are fueled by special interest
groups, with podcasts typically hosted by your
Average Joe. If Apple wants to drive subscribers
to the Apple ecosystem, it’ll need to fund many
new podcasts - potentially creating thousands of
jobs across the United States.

Apple has its fingers in more pies than ever
before, and with a whole bunch of new services
set to launch later this year, Apple’s dominance
has never been greater. Consumers are right to
question the power of giants such as Facebook,
Google, and Apple, but as Tim Cook and Co have
proven time and time again, Apple’s on your
side, with the economy’s best interests at heart.
Responsible for 2.4 million American jobs and
counting at a time when we’re warned of the
risk automation and mass job losses, Apple is a
surely great boss to have...

Image: Michael Short
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