Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Methods and Protocols

(sharon) #1

A discrete signal is counted as a single copy of HER2 or
Chr17. SISH signals (black) are typically smaller and more dis-
crete in appearance than Red ISH signals (red), due to differ-
ences in target sizes (Fig. 3 ). A cluster is defined as multiple
overlapping SISH signals in the nuclei that cannot be individu-
ally discerned. During SISH interpretation process, a small clus-
ter may be counted as six signals, and larger clusters as 12 signals
or more (Fig. 6 ). Based on the recent evidence HER2 copy
number differentiated between IHC scores better than the
ratio, consideration should be given to the copy number (≥6)
when IHC-negative cases appear amplified by the ratio only.
IHC score = “3+” cases with a copy number > 6 will essentially

HER 2 assessed by a validated IHC assay

Controls and test slides show appropriate staining

(at least 5 cohesive
tumour cells in

complete or
membranous staining

(at least 5 cohesive
tumour cells in

Strong complete or
staining of at least

No membranous
staining or staining
in rare cells
(at least 5 cohesive
tumour cells in

Staining is weak or
detected in only one
part of the

Fig. 5 An algorithm and a practical guide for interpretation of immunohistochemical staining for HER2 in
esophageal adenocarcinoma

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