Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Methods and Protocols

(sharon) #1


activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis. This two- step procedure
will reassure the quality of molecular analysis in these CTCs
including DNA amplification and immunological studies.

  1. Prior to the CTC isolation, blood samples should be mixed
    with a one-half volume of cell buffer (CellSearch) solution for
    proper dilution.

  2. The blood samples should initially treat with immunomagnetic
    particles coated with an EpCAM monoclonal antibody (mAb)
    (~50 μg/10 mL of the indirect conjugate and EpCAM mAb
    that is conjugated to phycoerythrin, ~5 μg/Ml per 10 mL).

  3. Then, incubate the samples at room temperature for 15–30 min
    with appropriate mixing.

  4. A magnetic separator will be needed to isolate the labeled par-
    ticles and the unbound blood cells will be aspirated out using
    a pipette.

  5. The labeled/bound blood cells should later elute in cell buffer
    and will be subjected to the second round for magnetic separa-
    tion using the similar technique. This will help in increasing
    the sensitivity of purifying the bounded cells.

  6. After obtaining the EpCAM-labeled cells following the second
    separation, a solution containing a nucleic acid dye (to stain
    the nucleated CTCs), and a leukocyte-specific CD45 mAb
    conjugated to peridinin-chlorophyll-protein-Cy5.5 will be
    added to the resuspended cells.

  7. The samples will be incubated in dark for ~30 min prior to
    fluorescence assisted cell sorting (FACS) analysis.

  8. As successful isolation of CTCs includes cells that are nucle-
    ated, EpCAM stained positive and CD45 stain negative cells.
    Leukocyte cells should be isolated and excluded from cells that
    are CD45 positive, EpCAM negative and nucleated.

  9. Finally, the sorted cells will be eluted into a TE buffer (10 mM
    Tris, bring to pH 8.0 with hydrogen chloride and 1 mM EDTA)
    and stored in polymerase chain reaction tubes at − 80 °C.

4 Note

  1. As the detection of CTCs is heavily dependent on the expres-
    sions of an epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) and/or
    cytokeratin (CK), the varied CTC levels between adenocarci-
    noma and squamous cell carcinomas of the esophagus could
    also be attributed to the varied expression pattern of these
    markers. The most common definition of a CTC is an
    EpCAM+/CK+ and CD45− (lymphocyte antigen) cells in the
    peripheral blood with round or oval intracellular nucleus [ 24 ].

3.2 Antibody

Vinod Gopalan and Alfred K. Lam
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