Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Methods and Protocols

(sharon) #1

Postoperative (see Note 3)

  1. INT0116: Leucovorin 20 mg/m^2 Days 1–5 + 5FU 425 mg/
    m^2 Days 1–5 every 4 weeks. One cycle before and two cycles
    after chemoradiotherapy.
    Leucovorin 20 mg/m^2 + 5FU 400 mg/m^2 D1–4 and D31–
    11 during radiotherapy.

  2. CLASSIC: Oxaliplatin 130 mg/m^2 D1 + Capecitabine
    1000 mg/m^2 BD Day 1–14 every 3 weeks for eight cycles.

  3. ACTS GC: S-1 40–60 mg BD Day 1–28 every 6 weeks for
    eight cycles.

First Line

  1. PF: Cisplatin 80 mg/m^2 D1 + 5FU 800 mg/m^2 Days1–5,
    every 3 weeks.

  2. PX: Cisplatin 80 mg/m^2 D1 + capecitabine 1000 mg/m^2 BD
    Days 1–14, every 3 weeks.

  3. SP: Cisplatin 60 mg/m^2 Day 8 + S-1 40–60 mg BD Days
    1–21, every 5 weeks.

  4. FOLFOX: Oxaliplatin 85 mg/m^2 Day 1 + Leucovorin
    400 mg/m^2 Day 1 + Bolus 5FU 400 mg/m^2 Day 1 + Infusional
    5FU 2400 mg/m^2 , Day 1–2 every 2 weeks.

  5. FOLFIRI: Irinotecan 180 mg/m^2 Day 1 + Leucovorin
    400 mg/m^2 Day 1 + Bolus 5FU 400 mg/m^2 Day 1 + Infusional
    5FU 2400 mg/m^2 , Day 1–2 every 2 weeks.

  6. EOX: Epirubicin 50 mg/m^2 D1 + oxaliplatin 130 mg/m^2 Day
    1 + capecitabine 625 mg/m^2 , Days 1–21 every 3 weeks.

  7. TPF: Docetaxel 75 mg/m^2 Day 1 + cisplatin 75 mg/m^2 Day
    1 + 5FU 750 mg/m^2 Days 1–5.
    Second Line and Beyond (see Note 5)

  8. Irinotecan: 150 mg/m^2 Day1 every 2 weeks.

  9. Docetaxel 60 mg/m^2 Day 1 every 3 weeks.

4 Notes

  1. Preoperative chemotherapy alone is less commonly practised
    and consideration should be given to preoperative chemora-
    diotherapy in eligible patients.

  2. Triplet and doublet chemotherapy are feasible options in the
    perioperative setting and doublet is preferred in older patients
    with cardiac comorbidities. The infusional 5FU can be substi-
    tuted by capecitabine for patients’ convenience.

  3. Adjuvant chemotherapy is recommended for patients with
    pathologic locoregionally advanced tumor after complete

3.2 Common
Regimens in Palliative
Settings (See Note 4)

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