Pacemaker 282–3, 285, 291
Pacing 277, 290
biventricular 274, 286
long-term 277
requirement 291
ventricular 290
PAD 92, 165–79, 182–6, 204–5, 215–20
asymptomatic 165, 167, 171, 175
diagnosis 170, 174, 176
stenosis 172
symptomatic 175
chest 46, 48, 50–1, 53–4, 71–2, 75, 78
postprandial abdominal 166
Palpitations 272, 275, 284, 288
Parathyroid disease 202
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia 256
Pathway, accessory 256, 258, 263, 275
African-American 203–4, 210–3
asymptomatic 229, 235, 282, 293, 294, 296–300, 302–8,
311, 339, 342
asymptomatic post-MI 206
burn 329
dialysis 143
elderly 142, 232, 270, 289
hemodialysis 344
overweight 212
pediatric 275, 289
post-CABG 141
post-infarction 271–2
post-MI 271, 281, 291
stratifi ed 313
transplant 145
women. See Women
young 289
PCI 52, 57, 61, 70, 73, 78, 92, 104, 117–33, 137, 144–6,
149, 158–60,
after fi brinolysis 127
vs. CABG 347–51
cardiogenic shock 127–8
and exercise in symptomatic CAD 104
primary 57–9
as an alternate to thrombolysis 128
for STEMI 120
recommendations 112–5
rescue 60, 126–7
Pellagra 241
Penbutolol 227
Penicillin 315, 317–25, 327, 333, 335
Penindopril 227
Pentamidine 290
Pentoxifylline 177–8, 181
Peptic ulcer disease 190
Peptides, B-type natriuretic 25
coronary intervention. See PCI
mitral balloon valvotomy. See PMBV
transluminal coronary angioplasty. See PTCA
Perforation 294, 309, 325–6, 333
Pericarditis 78
Peripheral arterial disease, thromboembolic. See PAD
PET-CT 340
Pharmaco-H1 279
Pharmacokinetics, altered 289
Pharmacotherapy 43–4, 218–9
Pheochromocytoma 212, 238, 240
Phlegmasia cerulea dolens 182–4
Pimozide 290
Pindolol 227
Placebo 247–8, 281
Plakoglobin 239
Plakophillin-2 239
Pneumonia 143, 329–30
POISE group 163
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 193
Pompe disease 238, 241
Potassium 282–3, 288
repletion 277, 290
serum 202, 207, 209–10, 288, 290
Prasugrel 45
Pravastatin 190
Preeclampsia 212
Preexcitation syndrome 246–7
Pregnancy 211–2, 268–9, 289
Prehypertension 197–200
intracranial 57
pulmonary artery 295, 302–8
Presyncope 255, 272, 275
Prevention of Arterial Thromboembolism in Atrial
Fibrillation 248
Proarrhythmia 253, 256
Procainamide 72–3, 246, 250–1, 259, 263, 265, 267–8,
276–7, 290
Profi le
genetic 239
lipid 202
Progestins 189
Propafenone 249–51, 253, 261–5, 267–8
Prophylaxis 287, 332–5
antibiotic 331–4
primary 284
rheumatic fever 296
Propranolol 227, 245, 262, 268
Prosthesis, mechanical 310–1