The AHA Guidelines and Scientific Statements Handbook

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RV 134, 139
RyR2 (cardiac ryanodine receptor) 239–40

S. agalactiae 329
SAI-P 336
Salbutamol 259
Salicylates 85
Salmonella 318
Sarcoglycan 241
Sarcomere 238
Saturation, arterial oxygen 66
SBP 197–200
lowering 205
SCAI 117, 165
SCD 271, 273–5, 278, 283–9
SCD-HeFT 273, 279, 281
Sciatica 174
Scintigraphy, adenosine stress perfusion nuclear 83
Sclerosis 238, 241
glomerular 211
SCN5A 239–40
SCORE 195, 221
Scurvy 241
SD 300–1, 305–8
Selective estrogen-receptor modulators 220
Selenium 240–1
hemodynamic 296, 302, 304, 309
regurgitative 300
valve disease 294–5
Shock 26, 33–4, 61, 149, 275
cardiogenic 57, 59, 69–71, 149
Short QT syndrome 239–40
Shunts 294, 309
Signal-averaged ECG 279
Sildenafi l 33
Simvastatin 190
Single-photon emission computed tomography 54, 279,
Sinus 17, 75, 78, 250–4, 255–60, 264, 266, 272, 277, 286
Sinusoids 239
Skin, infected 334–5
Sleep disorders 85, 87. See also Apnea, sleep
Sodium 317–9, 322–3
channel blocker 291
dietary 203, 211
Sotalol 140, 250–1, 253, 259, 261–2, 264–5, 267–8, 276,
279–80, 285–6, 290
Sparfl oxacin 290
Sphygmomanometer 201
SPINAF 247–8
Spironolactone 210, 227–8, 235
SR 256, 258, 260, 266

Staphylococci 314, 316, 318, 320–1, 329, 334–5
Statins 139, 190, 195, 291
STEMI 46–9, 50–9, 61, 63–90, 118, 120, 124–8, 134, 145,
149, 209, 242
arrhythmias after 72
catheterization and revascularization following 82
and the CCU 66
convalescence, discharge, and post-MI care 81, 83–4
initial evaluation 52
interventions 60
ischemia/infarction management after 79
onset 50
psychosocial impact 85
reperfusion 51, 56
risk factors 47–8
symptoms 48, 50–3, 55–6, 58, 60–2, 66, 74, 82, 84–5,
87–8, 90
Stenosis 17, 37, 39, 40–1, 45, 61, 80–1, 123, 127, 137–8,
146–9, 151, 172, 179, 185, 238, 246, 341, 343, 345
aortic 144
carotid 138
coronary 147, 341, 343
mitral 295, 302–3
renal artery 345
rheumatic mitral 246
valvular 228
vein graft 144
Stent 26, 28, 41–2, 45, 64, 68, 86, 159–60, 179, 249
bare-metal 132
paclitaxel-eluting 249
restenosis 129
sirolimus-eluting 249
Sternotomy 150
Steroids, anabolic 189
Strains 318, 320–2, 324–5, 329, 335
ACC/AHA initial invasive 41
invasive 35–7, 56, 59
vs. conservative 37–9, 123
Streptococci 318, 329, 334
B-Hemolytic 329, 334–5
bovis 314, 316–9
nutritionally variant 329
viridans 314–9, 325, 335
Streptokinase 79
Streptomycin 323
Stress 32, 33, 39
echocardiographic 340
pharmacological 39, 274
Stroke 53, 60, 137–8, 140–1, 143–5, 163, 188, 197–8, 202,
212, 214, 216, 218, 220–1, 246–9, 254, 305, 344–5
hemorrhagic 208, 216
incidence 200
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